Tag Archives: church planting

Right around the corner!!!

Carey and I moved here 10 months ago and the start of Connecting Place Church seemed so far away. Now we are 6 weeks from our first preview service and it seems like it’s coming to fast as we tie up all the loose ends of a year of planning. In just 6 weeks the dream will become reality. Please keep us in your prayers. So here is where we are-

Save the date– November 11th is the grand opening of Connecting Place Church @ Red and Jerry’s Event Center @ 10:00 am!!! We invite anyone who can to join us for the big day.

The 31 Campaign donations are starting to come in and we are grateful for everyone’s support. If you’re thinking about giving now is the time. over the next few weeks we will be ordering all of the equipment, supplies, banners, and a million other things it takes to have church. Every dollar helps so please consider joining The 31 Campaign or giving a one time gift to help us start strong in November. Please visit our website to make a donation. http://connectingplacechurch.com

Online Campus– We are already working on an online campus where you can see our services online from anywhere in the world. Connor Grim has been in contact with Lifechurch.tv and they are helping us in this venture. So keep your fingers crossed and soon you will be able to be with us in service from anywhere!

I could go on and on but that gives you an idea of where we are and what were facing. So keep us in your prayers, consider making a donation to the cause, and be there November 11th @ 10 am…
